Shutters Up

Choose a location and carry out a planning survey

Neighbourhood Plan is a Barcelona City Council programme designed for the most disadvantaged neighbourhoods. This programme aims to reverse inequalities through the application of new public policies. It involves citizens in the development of dynamic projects. Each project has an extraordinary and intensive budget allocated for a limited period of time.


Within this programme, the City Council has recently acquired 38 ground-floor premises in the city to promote a cultural and social Activation Programme. The idea is that these premises will be at the disposal of cultural and social economy initiatives.


These ground floor premises will be where you will develop your projects.


In a coordinated way, each thematic team will choose a ground floor premise; you can find all the premises on the Activation Programme’s website (we will post this information soon).


The premises are scattered all over the city, it would be good to choose one that is within the Neighbourhood Plan.
On this website, you will find a map of the Neighbourhood Plan as well as information about each neighbourhood.


You will be working on a specific location, but it is important always to keep the idea of a network in mind. The designed grand floor premise will be part of a network of canteens, dormitories or backrooms scattered around the city. In other words, the specific case under study will also indicate the conditions these other premises should fulfil in the future – for example, the distance between them, the visibility, the presence on the street, the geometrical shape, the interior surface, etc.


In any case, the survey work requires the proposal to be located in a specific place. This is the starting point for your fieldwork and analysis of the social environment and its services. In this sense, it is also necessary to detect and analyse the facilities that can be considered complementary. It is important to value the idea of the neighbourhood, of proximity, of social catalyst. So that the premises, its surroundings, neighbours or the elements of proximity that you think are relevant become part of the landscape where your future project can take place. You must be able to capture all of this in the survey sheet.


Eventually, it will be possible to coordinate a visit to a premise, but the logistics will be complicated. In this sense, the information sheet prepared by the City Council will provide a lot of information on how to get started.


The local partners are the first point of reference for those who do not know the city. They will explain the characteristics of each neighbourhood. This dialogue is essential here.
Other websites that may be of interest, complementary to the Neighbourhood Plan website:

Departament d’Estadística i Difusió de Dades de l’Ajuntament de Barcelona
Homeless People de Fundació Arrels