Gateways, the environment determines the solution

Jordi Pascual

The very essence of a bridge, or a footbridge, is to connect two points separated by uneven ground or by an element that makes it impossible to make an unraised path. When the walkway is intended for pedestrians, who are extremely vulnerable to traffic, the environment absolutely determines the best solution to overcome the hurdle… Read more »

Speaking about La Floresta Speaks

Eva Serrats

Having to talk about something that technically does not exist forces you to make some preliminary remarks.   As if it were a matter of writing about a presence or a ghost, which manifests itself only through the traces it leaves behind. Surely La Floresta Speaks can only be described with facts: What happened? How… Read more »

The Gernika Peace Museum after declaring peace in Euskadi

Leve Projects

The tender to remodel the Gernika Peace Museum was born out of a strong desire to adapt its discourse to the situation today, establishing a way of understanding the socio-political museum as a kind of living organism. Our proposal addressed the conceptual transformation of the museum rather than the formal and economic remodel. The opportunity… Read more »

Public works under review

Francesc Pla

There’s no way I’ll wait until it has passed to write this. In fact, whenever I wait for the anger to pass, I forget the reason.   A year ago, we lost a tender to build a beautiful museum of prehistory because the bid ranked fifth in quality by the panel of judges was fifteen… Read more »

Architectural cooperativism enters the Catalan Association of Architects

Jordi Pascual

As citizen participation has been affecting the logic of public administrations and architects have increasingly started to work together, technical work has necessarily changed. It is necessary to make architectural performance intelligible to people who do not have the training required, so they can contribute to technical transfer later. Also, the work of diverse teams… Read more »

(EN) Museïtzar la vida al carrer

Jordi Pascual

  Barcelona, in order to face the waves of immigration that have defined it, had to carry out various urban activities over the course of the past century. It was about creating complete neighbourhoods that met minimum liveability requirements and providing services for people with limited economic resources. A good example of this is the… Read more »

The sensory dimension of a travelling exhibition

Leve Projects

An exhibition, unlike a published catalogue or a loop within a liquid screen, places us inside a unique sensory experience where we are both spectators and protagonists of a journey, a personal discovery. The proposal for the exhibition of photographs for the 1st International FCB Photography Prize, designed to raise awareness of the positive values… Read more »

Conference on Cooperative Architecture

Eva Serrats

agenFaced with the growing desire of some citizens to take part in the processes transforming the city, the Catalan Association of Architects, through the Plan Impulsa “Programme for Improving Competitiveness”, hosted a Conference on the active role of architects in participatory processes and the tools needed to make real participation possible, suitable and useful.  … Read more »

From the archaeologist to a museum display

Jordi Pascual

  Parpalló Cave in Gandía is home to traces of prehistoric cultures on the Iberian Peninsula. Inside, loads of wooden tablets with drawings hide 16,000 years of history. It is as significant in terms of historical heritage as it is enigmatic, with tablets left there at random intervals, sometimes more than 200 years apart, which… Read more »